Contingent recruiting is a game-changer in today's fast-paced business world. With contingent search services, there are no upfront costs and the fee is due when the client hires our candidate. Contingent recruiting revolves around the flexible hiring of skilled professionals, offering your organization the nimbleness it needs to adapt to market fluctuations and project demands. With our deep expertise in contingent recruiting, we're your trusted partner in securing top-tier talent precisely when you need it.
Our process includes having a kick-off call with clients to develop a candidate profile, providing the client with in-depth candidate evaluations, leading candidates and clients through the interview process to include successful closure, and providing quality control follow-up post placement. Our team of dedicated recruiters is well-versed in identifying and engaging with professionals across various industries, ensuring that you have access to the specialized skills required to meet your goals.
Contact us if you would like to have a conversation about our contingent search services, or review the industries and functions we serve.

Contact Dan Charney, President & CEO, for more information:

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