Changing Employment Blues

Gina Petrello-Pray Today, unemployment is at its lowest rate in years, yet more and more people are dissatisfied with their jobs and don’t know why. Job satisfaction can make a huge difference in affecting our personal growth and happiness in…

Transform Your Hiring Process

Winter 2003 Corporate hiring authorities often are consumed by in-house concerns. The corporate culture is one focused on “process”…the process of scheduling, interviewing and consulting to managers, basically facilitating the flow. There is little time actually spent on “recruiting”. In…

Another Success Story

THE OVERVIEW When Danby Group, an Atlanta-based Auto ID specialty company, was seeking a qualified Auto ID candidate for a key sales position, they tried a combination of in-house recruitment methods, including newspaper and Web Site advertising. Inundated with responses,…

Asking the Right Questions

When you are interviewing a prospective employee, you look for specific answers and personality traits that best fit your company’s profile. In your search for the right answers, are you asking the right questions? Open-ended questions will help you evoke…

Does Your Interview Process Yield Profit or Loss?

Fall 2003 Most managers would agree that hiring is one of their most important decisions. A decision based on wrong information or misinterpreted information can result in mis-hiring, a situation that is costly and painful to the organization and candidate…

The Cost Of Hire

Agency vs. Internal The time used for hiring is very valuable. According to the Employment Management Association, the overall cost per hire rose 22% last year. How much of your valuable time is wasted on this task? Recent statistics show…

Keeping Your Best Employees

Every successful company has its share of employees that far exceed the abilities of some others. The absence of these individuals would be felt quickly if they decided to leave your company. Top employees are in high demand and keeping…

Market Shortage Of Qualified Candidates

Most industry leaders would agree that today’s market is as strong as it has ever been. Interest rates have dropped, companies are expanding, and the country has renewed faith in the economy. That’s the good news! The bad news is…

Trade Your Mediocre Players… An All-Star Line-Up Wins the Game

Spring/Summer 2003 It’s the bottom of the ninth and the bases are loaded. You need to score in order to beat the opponent and raise the morale of your team. Up next is a player whose stats have been mediocre…

Telephone Interviews: To Do or Not to Do, That is the Question

As companies try to shorten the hiring process, phone interviews are proven results of great hires. Your company’s reliance on telephone screening interviews is one result of cost effectiveness that can have your company trimming time and travel budgets in…